Daylighting in the Workplace: What You Should Know

Daylighting in the Workplace: What You Should Know

Have you heard of daylighting? It's become a hot topic among business owners in recent years. If you own a business, you may want to leverage daylighting. It offers several benefits, including lower utility costs. There are several things you should know about daylighting, however.

What Is Daylighting?

Daylighting refers to the use of windows, window treatments and other surfaces to illuminate an indoor space with sunlight. It's commonly used in both homes and workplaces. All indoor spaces require illumination. 

Rather than relying on artificial lighting, some homeowners and business owners use daylighting. Daylighting is the use of windows, window treatments and other surfaces to allow sunlight to enter an indoor space and, thus, illuminate it without the use of artificial lighting.

Benefits of Daylighting in the Workplace

By using daylighting in your business's workplace, you can save money on utility costs. Artificial lighting costs money. Your business will incur electrical expenses when running artificial lighting systems. With daylighting, you can cut the costs of your business's electrical expenses. Sunlight is free. You can use it to illuminate your business's workplace without spending a dime.

Daylighting can also have a positive impact on employees' morale. Research shows that sun exposure makes employees feel happier. Daylighting, of course, revolves around sunlight. It will illuminate your business's workplace with sunlight so that employees experience an improved mood and morale.

Daylighting Tips for the Workplace

If you're going to use daylighting to illuminate your business's workplace, you should make sure the sunlight doesn't create a distracting glare. Sunlight can create a glare that, when left unaddressed, distracts employees away from their respective tasks. Glares such as this can often be fixed with shades or curtains.

You can also use mirrors as part of your daylighting strategy. Mirrors, of course, will reflect light. You can place mirrors around your workplace to direct sunlight to specific areas. Upon striking a mirror, sunlight will be redirected to the area in which the mirror face. You can even create "chains" of multiple mirrors so that sunlight can turn corners.

Another daylighting tip is to use glass walls and doors. Many commercial offices feature glass walls and doors. In addition to promoting a more open workplace, glass walls and doors increase illumination. Sunlight will beam through these glass structures. Sunlight can't beam through solid walls and doors made of traditional material. For a more effective daylighting strategy, you may want to install glass walls and doors in your workplace.

Jun 27th 2022

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