5 Alternatives to Coffee to Boost Your Energy Levels

5 Alternatives to Coffee to Boost Your Energy Levels

Do you experience low energy levels throughout the day? You can't expect to work at your full potential if you are fatigued. While starting your day off with a cup of coffee will typically give you more energy, there are other ways to boost your energy levels. Below are five popular alternatives to coffee that are guaranteed to boost your energy levels.

#1) Green Tea

Drinking green tea can increase your energy levels. Green tea has caffeine -- just like coffee. While it typically contains less caffeine than coffee, green tea contains other compounds that have been associated with increased energy, such as flavonoids. If you feel tired and groggy in the morning, try drinking a cup of green tea. Made from the leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant, it's a powerful alternative to coffee that can boost your energy levels.

#2) Black Tea

Another energy-boosting alternative to coffee is black tea. When compared to all other types of tea, black tea contains the highest concentration of caffeine. A typical 6- to 8-ounce serving of black tea contains about 60 milligrams of caffeine. Therefore, drinking it will give you more energy. You can also add honey or milk to black tea for additional flavoring.

#3) Hot Chocolate

If you have sweet tooth, try drinking a cup of hot chocolate. Aside from being deliciously sweet, hot chocolate can boost your energy levels. Caffeine occurs naturally in chocolate -- and hot chocolate is no exception. Furthermore, studies have shown that hot beverages have a more profound impact on energy levels than cold beverages.

#4) Coconut Milk

Coconut milk has become an increasingly popular alternative to coffee in recent years. Unlike tea and hot chocolate, coconut milk is typically served cold. Nonetheless, drinking it can give you more energy. Coconut milk contains natural compounds known as medium-chain triglycerides. Studies have shown that these medium-chain triglycerides stimulate metabolic processes within the human body, resulting in weight loss as well as increased energy levels.

#5) Water

You might be surprised to learn that water can boost your energy levels. Low energy levels is a hallmark symptom of dehydration. It's estimated that over two in three adults suffer from chronic dehydration. They don't drink enough water, which causes them to become dehydrated. Dehydration can affect your body in many ways, one of which is by lowering your energy levels. If you believe that dehydration is responsible for your low energy levels, try drinking more water.

Jan 26th 2021

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