3 Reasons why Construction Vests are Key

People working in the construction industry know the importance of wearing vests while on the construction site.  Construction vests don’t just increase visibility of the wearer, but are necessary by law. It’s both the workers’ and the employer’s task to make sure everyone in a construction area is wearing these. There are different types of safety vests for different occasions. The first kind of safety vest usually comes in orange, yellow and lime; these bright colors allow for increased visibility of the worker in areas with low traffic. In areas with moderate to high traffic or at night, workers need to wear these vibrant colors, but the vest must also contain reflective materials that come in white or silver. These reflective materials allow for visibility during night projects or when there’s high traffic volume, such as highway construction.

There are more specific types of safety vests for certain projects, such as a safety harness vest for air and sea jobs, water vests for certain weather conditions or for marine projects and even vests that light up using LED light, for late night projects. A variety of brands offer safety vests, these include  RadiansDeltaIron HorseExoFit and many others. This allows for a variety of styles and fits, so anyone looking for a vest can find the one that will best fit them and the job they’ll be performing. Safety vests are comfortable and lightweight, allowing the wearer to complete the task at hand without any trouble.

If this isn’t enough to convince you about the importance of construction vests, hopefully these reasons will:

Differentiating Employees from the Crowd

Safety vests allow the company to be able to point out their employees. For construction projects that take place around areas where civilians may be passing through, it’s important for employers to be able to tell their employees and regular passerby’s apart. When employees are wearing these brightly colored vests, they’re easily identified.

Increased visibility in dark or high traffic areas

During highway projects that usually take place at night, workers safety is vital. Although construction is going on the highway is still open, therefore there are cars passing by at 60 and 70 mph. When workers are wearing these vibrant, reflective construction vests they’re easily noticed by oncoming traffic.


Construction vests are worn for safety, and when workers comply the number of accidents decrease. It’s important to make your safety a priority, especially when you’re working in areas where cars are passing and heavy machinery is being used. The use of safety vests decreases the chances of an accident happening on site, because workers are easily identified and visible, opposed to if they’re not wearing a safety vest. This decreases the liability levels and helps employees and companies adhere to regulations in case anything should happen, all parties will know they complied with the industry’s requirements.

Oct 20th 2016

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