What Is a Bump Cap?

What Is a Bump Cap?

When shopping for hard hats or other forms, you may come across bump caps. They've been around for over a century, during which countless workers have worn them. Bump caps are hard hats. However, they feature a unique design that distinguishes them from other types of hard hats.

Overview of Bump Caps

A bump cap is a type of hard hat that's characterized by a lightweight construction and a simplified design. They generally offer minimal protection from falling objects. Rather, most bump caps are designed to protect against minor injuries involving scrapes or bumps. If you accidentally bump your head against a low ceiling, for instance, a bump cap may protect you from injury. That's why they are known as "bump caps." Bump caps protect against injuries involving bumps.

Benefits of Bump Caps

Why should you choose a bump cap? Assuming you work in an environment where there's no risk of falling objects, you may not need to wear a traditional hard hat. Instead, you can wear a bump cap. Bump caps will protect from minor head injuries involving scrapes and bumps. Many construction workers and utility workers wear them for this reason.

When compared to traditional hard hats, most workers will agree that bump caps are more comfortable. Traditional hard hats are made of heavier materials that can make them uncomfortable to wear for long periods. Bump caps, on the other hand, are made of lightweight materials. This lightweight construction makes them cooler, more breathable, and all-around more comfortable to wear.

Here's a breakdown of the benefits of bump caps:

  • Protection from scraps and bumps
  • Lightweight construction
  • Easy and comfortable to wear
  • Available in different sizes and styles

How to Choose a Bump Cap

Not all bump caps are the same. If you're planning to buy a bump cap, you'll need to choose the right type. For starters, you should consider the suspension. The suspension will determine how the bump cap secured to your head.

For protection in low-ceiling environments, you may want to choose a bump cap with EN-812 certification. Bump caps featuring this certification are designed to protect against minimal-impact forces in low-ceiling environments. They won't protect against falling objects, but EN-812 certified bump caps are perfect for low-ceiling environments.

Some bump caps also have a built-in visor. When used, this visor can prevent dust and other forms of airborne debris from reaching your face. These are just a few things to consider when choosing a bump cap.

Mar 25th 2021

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