Study: Dried Fruit May Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Study: Dried Fruit May Lower Risk of Heart Disease

The next time you have a craving for something sweet, consider eating a small serving of dried fruit. In addition to being naturally sweetened, it’s rich in nutrients and vitamins. Furthermore, a new study has found that eating dried fruit can protect against heart disease.

Taking the lives of nearly 600,000 men and women every year, heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death. While there’s no way to completely eliminate the risk of heart disease, there are ways to lower it. Dieting and exercise, for instance, are two of the most effective ways to lower your risk of heart disease. By eating the right foods and maintaining a high level of physical activity, you’ll naturally reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Additionally, though, adding more fried fruits to your diet could also lower your risk of heart disease.

For the study, researchers analyzed data from 36 health articles and 32 existing studies. Researchers found that participants who consumed dried fruits on a regular basis were less likely to develop heart disease than their counterparts who consumed little-to-no dried fruits.

So, how exactly does dried fruit protect against heart disease? That question remains open to debate. However, it’s no secret that dried fruits are incredibly nutritious, as they contain all of the beneficial nutrients and vitamins found in regular fruits.

By consuming dried fruits on a regular basis, you’ll supplement your body with key nutrients that promote a healthy heart. Depending on the specific type of fruit, you may a healthy dose of antioxidants, which as we’ve discussed before on our blog, is essential in neutralizing harmful chemicals and compounds known as free radicals.

Keep in mind, however, that dried fruit is typically high in sugar. Even if it doesn’t have any “added” sugar, it may still contain high levels of the sweet stuff. And if you consume too much, you could end up negating its otherwise positive health benefits. The bottom line is that if you’re consuming dried fruits, do so in moderation; otherwise, it’s not going to offer any notable health benefits.

To recap, adding more dried fruit to your diet may offer some health benefits, the most notable being a lower risk of heart disease. Researchers found that people who consume dried fruits on a regular basis were less likely to develop heart disease than their counterparts.

This study was published in the medical journal BMJ.

Jan 8th 2018

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