Noise is the Biggest Productivity Killer in the Workplace

Noise is the Biggest Productivity Killer in the Workplace

Productivity directly affects the success of a business. When productivity drops, so does the business's profits -- at least, that's how it usually works. But identifying productivity killers in the workplace isn't always easy. Some of them are obvious, while others are not-so-obvious. One study, however, sought to answer the following question: what's the biggest productivity killer in the workplace?

For the study, researchers from Oxford Economics surveyed 1,200 workers and corporate executives, asking them a series of questions pertaining to their work habits and workplace distractions. They discovered that an overwhelming majority (29%) of respondents said the ability to focus without interruption was their "top priority."

More specifically, though, 64% of respondents said noise and distractions were the biggest productivity killer in the workplace. When noise and distractions are eliminated from the workplace, more than half of the survey's respondents say it reduces errors, and 48% believe it allows them to focus harder on their respective task.

The survey also finds that more than half of respondents say ambient noise lowers their overall satisfaction at work. Ambient noise is essentially "background" noise that remains constant over a prolonged length of time. Some workers choose to block out ambient noise by taking additional breaks, which subsequently hurts their productivity levels. Other workers choose to block out this noise by wearing headphones, which can also have a negative effect on workers' productivity.

What's even more interesting, however, is that only 39% of employers believe ambient noise affects their workers' productivity, while 33% believe loud colleagues are the cause of lost productivity.

Ambient noise and lack of personal space can make it hard for employees to concentrate and get things done,” says Jeff Lowe, vice president of marketing at Smart Technologies. “All of this has led us to reimagine the workspace and productivity.”

The bottom line is that employers, and workers, need to be aware of noise in the workplace. Assuming this study is correct, noise -- especially ambient noise -- can lower productivity levels by distracting workers' from their respective tasks.

What's the biggest productivity killer in your workplace?

Jul 13th 2016

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