How to Quickly Recover From a Sprained Ankle

How to Quickly Recover From a Sprained Ankle

Are you suffering from a sprained ankle? Also known as a twisted or rolled ankle, it's an all-too-common injury that's characterized by the overstretching of one or more ligaments in the ankle. Research shows that on any given day, some 28,000 people in the United States develop a sprained ankle. While sprained ankles typically heal on their own without the need for medical attention, there are a few ways you can expedite the process and recover more quickly.

Apply Ice

Ice -- or any cold compress for that matter -- can help you recover from a sprained ankle more quickly. Some people assume that a hot compress is better because it promotes blood flow. Assuming you just recently sprained your ankle, though, you'll experience better results when using a cold compress, such as ice. Placing a pack of ice on your sprained ankle will help reduce inflammation, resulting in less swelling and associated pain. Just remember to limit the amount of time that your ankle is exposed to ice. Otherwise, it could cause frostbite.


In addition to applying ice, you should elevate your sprained ankle. Propping up your sprained ankle on a pillow or piece of furniture, for instance, will alleviate pressure on it. And with less pressure on your sprained ankle, it can heal more quickly.


Of course, it's a good idea to rest after spraining your ankle so that you don't further injure it. Even if the pain has somewhat subsided, the tissue in your ankle is still injured. Therefore, walking or performing other physical activities on your feet will only increase the risk of a more severe injury. After developing a sprained ankle, take it easy for the next few days so that your body can repair and heal the injured tissue.

Wrap It

Wrapping your sprained ankle in a compression bandage can assist your body with recovery. A compression bandage will stabilize your ankle so that it's exposed to less stress. And with less stress or pressure placed against your sprained ankle, your body can heal it more quickly.

Drink Water

It may sound unusual, but drinking water can help your body recover from a sprained ankle more quickly. Water helps to circulate blood through your body, which is essential when recovering from physical injuries, including a sprained ankle. If you are dehydrated, blood won't flow as easily through your body, meaning less nutrient-rich blood will reach your injured ankle.

May 11th 2020

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