6 Tips to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

6 Tips to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

How productive are you in a typical workday? Unfortunately, few workers are "100% productive." But regardless of the market or industry in which you work, there are ways to overcome these hurdles and boost your productivity levels.

Eliminate Distractions

It takes approximately 15 minutes for the average worker to regain his or her concentration after being distracted. So if you're distracted just four times per day, that's an hour of wasted productivity! Workers can improve their productivity levels by eliminating potential distractions around them, including social media, gossip, smartphones, etc.

Set Goals

In addition to eliminating distractions, you can also improve your productivity in the workplace by setting goals. This includes both short-term and long-term goals.

Eat Right

No, that isn't a typo. Your diet plays a key role in your overall productivity in the workplace. If you eat processed foods with little-to-no real nutritional value, you'll experience greater fatigue and lower energy levels. Conversely, if you consume a well-balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats, your body will reward you with higher energy levels. And with this increased energy typically comes higher productivity. It's just that simple.

Avoid Micromanaging

One of the biggest productivity-killers in the workplace is micromanagement. When you're forced to manage or otherwise handle dozens of "micro" sized tasks, your energy gets spread thin, which often results in lower productivity levels. While it's often difficult to avoid all forms of micromanaging in the workplace, you should take steps to minimize its impact. Creating and following a "to do" list, for instance, can help you overcome micromanagement. Designating tasks to other workers can also help.


Numerous studies have shown that workers who are recognized for their hard work are more likely to push themselves on the job. Whether it's a verbal "good job" or a tangible form of recognition like an employee-of-the-month award, these otherwise simple things can go a long ways in boosting workplace productivity.


Another reason why so many workers perform poorly in the workplace is because they fail to communicate, either with each other or with their peers/management. Lack of communication can impact many elements of work, only one of which is productivity. Workers should be encouraged to keep the lines of communication open to facilitate tasks and improve productivity.

These are just a few simple ways to improve productivity levels in the workplace.

Apr 3rd 2017

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