5 Tips on How to Prevent Skin Allergies

5 Tips on How to Prevent Skin Allergies

Do you suffer from a skin allergy? Research conducted by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) suggests that over 50 million U.S. adults suffer from at least one skin allergy. With a skin allergy, you may experience symptoms such as rashes, hives or severe dryness. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prevent allergic reactions such as this.

#1) Choose Hypoallergenic Clothes

When shopping for new clothes, look for hypoallergenic fabrics. Hypoallergenic fabrics include cotton, wool and polyester. They are known as "hypoallergenic" because they don't cause or contribute to allergic reactions with the skin. You may still experience allergic reactions from other substances, but you won't have to worry about your clothes causing them.

#2) Avoid Triggers

All skin allergies involve a trigger. A trigger is simply a substance that causes an allergic reaction with your skin. Some people are allergic to various fabrics, whereas others are allergic to pollen or pet dander. These are triggers in the sense that they cause or trigger allergic reactions with the skin. Once you've identified your triggers, you should try to avoid them. As long as you aren't exposed to triggers, you shouldn't experience an allergic reaction.

#3) Cover Up

Keeping your skin covered can minimize the risk of an allergic reaction. Skin allergies require direct exposure to a trigger. Triggers are allergens that are perceived as a potentially harmful substance by the body's immune system. Your immune system will essentially overreact to triggers, resulting in symptoms of an allergy attack. By covering your skin, however, you'll be protected from triggers.

#4) Moisturize

Moisturizing your skin on a daily basis can lower your risk of skin allergies. Dry skin won't necessarily cause an allergy reaction. Nonetheless, it can make your skin more susceptible to allergic reactions. When your skin is dry, allergens are more likely to penetrate through it. Dry skin often cracks. Allergens can enter these cracks where they cause an allergic reaction. A simple solution is to moisturize your skin at least once a day with a high-quality moisturizing cream or lotion.

#5) Stay Hydrated

In addition to moisturizing your skin, be sure to stay hydrated. Hydration and skin health go hand in hand. If you are dehydrated, you skin will inevitably become dry. Conversely, if you are hydrated, your skin will be hydrated as well. No matter what type of skin allergy you suffer from, staying hydrated can help.

Oct 8th 2020

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