5 Things Not To Do When Welding

5 Things Not To Do When Welding

Welding is the process of using extreme temperatures (oftentimes as high as 5,600 degrees Fahrenheit) to cut through metal and/or connect multiple pieces of metal together. Due to these extreme temperatures, welding creates a unique set of hazards that workers need to be aware of.

Picking up and using an arch welder without any prior experience or education places you at risk of serious injury. For a list of the top 5 things you should never do when welding, keep reading.

#1) Welding In a Poorly Ventilated Area

You have to remember that each time the plasma arc is placed on a metallic object or surface, chemical reactions occur which release fumes into the surrounding atmosphere. Depending on the particular type of metal, it may release noxious or even toxic fumes. This is why it's important to only weld in a well-ventilated area; otherwise, you run the risk of breathing in toxic fumes.

#2) Not Preheating

Another all-too-common mistake workers make when welding is not preheating. So, what's the purpose of preheating? Among other things, it's a major deterrent against cracking. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to weld and object only for it to crack. You can reduce the chance of this happening by preheating it before you attempt to weld it.

#3) Not Wearing The Appropriate Safety Gear

A third mistake you'll want to avoid when welding is not wearing the appropriate safety gear. Some people are stuck in the mindset that safety gear slows them down. While it may restrict some of your mobility, it can literally save your life.

Before using a welding arc, gear up in welding helmet with fitted lens, welding gloves, welding jacket, leather apron and thick leather boots.

#4) Welding On Unstable Surfaces

You can't expect to safely weld an object unless it's on a flat, even and secure surface. Never attempt to weld on unstable surfaces, as this places you at risk for injury. If necessary, clamp the object down with industrial-grade clamps to keep it in place.

#5) Not Cleaning or Maintaining The Arc Welder

A fifth and final mistake that far too many workers are guilty of is not cleaning or properly maintaining their device. Welding arcs, like any other powered tool, tend to gather dust and dirt over the course of their life. In order to keep your device in optimal condition, you must clean it on a regular basis.

Jan 26th 2014 Safety Joe

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