4 Tips For Preventing Slip and Fall Accidents In The Workplace

4 Tips For Preventing Slip and Fall Accidents In The Workplace

Accounting for 12-15% of Worker's Compensation cases, slip and falls are one of the most common forms of work-related accidents. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over one million people will experience a slip and fall accident, and unfortunately not all incidents are minor. Each year, more than 17,000 people die from slip and fall accidents. This is why it's important for business owners to take the necessary action to protect their employees and the public from accidents such as this.

Tip #1 – Increase Floor Friction

Slip and fall accidents can be caused from a number of different things, one of which is a lack of floor friction. Wet, oily, greasy or otherwise 'slick' flooring will increase the chance of slip and fall accidents occurring at your work. The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) performs studies on a regular basis regarding floor safety, so check these out if you are concerned about the flooring in your workplace.

Tip #2 – Elevated Falls

Slip and fall accidents generally fall under one of two different categories: same level or elevated falls. While same level falls are more common, they are also less severe and typically result in minor bruises and/or cuts. Elevated falls, on the other hand, are less common but result in more severe injuries. As a business owner, it's your responsibility to identify potential areas of risk for elevated falls. Perform a thorough inspection of your workplace and make a note of each and every area of risk for an elevated fall. Next, the the necessary action to reduce the chance of a slip and fall accident from this elevated position.

Tip #3 – Footwear

Another important tip for reducing the chance of slip and fall accidents in the workplace is to make non-slip shoes a requirement for employees. Restaurant workers are oftentimes required to wear shoes such as this to reduce the chance of falls. While there's guarantee that you won't fall in these shoes, they do provide an incredible amount of grip to the floor. Mandating non-slip shoes in the workplace is a smart move that will pay off with fewer accidents.

Tip #4 – Clean Up Spills

Lastly, spills are bound to happen in the workplace. Whether it's water, oil, grease or even a soda, spills must be properly cleaned up to help avoid accidents. Keep plenty of spill cleaning kits around your workplace and train employees how to use them. Certain chemicals and toxins require a very particular type of kit. You can also compliment a spill kit with absorbent mats.

Following the tips listed here will set you on the path towards achieving a safer workplace. There's no way to completely avoid accidents from occurring, but performing some basic precautions will significant reduce your workplace risk. Just remember to perform safety inspections of your workplace on a regular basis to identify areas of risks. Using this information, you can then make changes to better improve the safety of your employees.

Oct 13th 2014 Safety Joe

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