Wanuts May Protect Against Heart Disease

Wanuts May Protect Against Heart Disease

Searching for ways to lower your risk of heart disease? Sure you are! And if you aren't, you should be, because heart disease remains the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. Aside from regular exercise, researchers have found that regular consumption of walnuts may prove beneficial in lowering a person's risk of heart disease.

For the study, researchers from the Life Sciences Research Organization recruited several thousand participants who consumed walnuts on a daily basis. The amount of walnuts consumed ranged from just 5 grams to 100 grams daily. Researchers were shocked to discover that participants who consumed just two servings of walnuts each day had a lower risk of heart disease when compared to the general population.

So, how are these delicious and crunchy nuts able to protect against heart disease? There are a few key benefits to point out, one of which is their positive impact on cholesterol levels. Walnuts have been shown to lower levels of bad cholesterol while simultaneously raising levels of good cholesterol. Poor cholesterol levels have long been a risk factor associated with heart disease, which is why it's important to keep them in check.

Walnuts also have a positive impact on blood pressure. When your blood pressure rises beyond "normal" levels, it can wreck havoc on your arteries, increasing the likelihood for a heart attack and stroke. Maintaining healthy blood pressure levels is paramount to having a healthy heart and warding off heart disease.

Walnuts are able to achieve these benefits and more thanks to their nutritional makeup. Like most nuts, walnuts are packed with protein, which plays an important role in heart health. But they also contain a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as fiber.

"Our study results further support the growing body of research that tree nuts, such as walnuts, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases," said Dr Michael Falk.

To reap the full benefits of walnuts, it's recommended that you consume two servings per day. As noted by the researchers in this study, this seems to be the proper amount that yields positive benefits in terms of heart health.

Nov 23rd 2015

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