Study: Nuts and Chickpeas May Protect the Heart From Disease

Study: Nuts and Chickpeas May Protect the Heart From Disease

A new study has found that eating nuts and chickpeas may protect the heart from disease. It's no secret that heart disease is a leading cause of death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 610,000 Americans die from it each year. But there's new evidence suggesting that eating more nuts and chickpeas can lower a person's risk of heart disease.

For the study, researchers examined the diets of participants as well as participants' health, paying close attention to the relation of heart disease and consumption of plant proteins. So, what did they find? After analyzing the results, medical researchers found that participants who consumed 42 grams of nuts and 50 grams of plant-based protein had the lowest risk of developing heart disease.

Of course, other studies have linked the consumption of red meat to heart disease. It's well known that red meat -- because of its high concentration of saturated fat -- contributes to high blood cholesterol and, subsequently, heart disease. Just a few years ago, the CDC even classified certain types of processed meat, including bacon, as being carcinogenic.

You don't have to necessarily cut out all meat from your diet. However, you should consider eating more nuts and chickpeas. As revealed in this study, consuming these plant-based proteins may lower your risk of heart disease. If your diet consists largely of meat, you may experience high blood cholesterol, which will adversely affect your heart health.

"Previous clinical trials and observational studies have found strong evidence that a plant-based diet can improve heart health," said study author Hana Kahleova, Director of Clinical Research at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC. "This study demonstrates that certain plant foods are especially effective for lowering cholesterol and boosting our overall cardiovascular health." Kahleova added.

In addition to eating more nuts and chickpeas, there are other steps you can take to lower your risk of heart disease. Exercise, for example, is essential to promoting a healthy heart. Unfortunately, though, statistics show that only 20 percent of Americans get the recommended amount of exercise, thereby increasing their risk of heart disease. To promote a healthy heart, you must adopt a proper dieting and exercise regimen. While eating plant-based proteins can help, you need to combine this with exercise for maximum heart health benefit.

This study was published in the medical journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

Sep 4th 2018

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