New Study Sheds Light on Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

New Study Sheds Light on Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is often touted as a miracle remedy for a wide range of ailments, some of which include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even allergies. This isn't a new trend. On the contrary, apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries to treat these and other conditions. So, is there are truth to these claims? Well, a recent study has shed light on apple cider vinegar and its purported health benefits.

According to a study of men and women suffering from type 2 diabetes, apple cider vinegar -- when taken before bed with a snack -- had a positive impact on lowering blood-sugar levels the following morning. This doesn't necessarily mean that it can prevent or cure diabetes, but managing blood-sugar levels is certainly important for people who already suffer from diabetes.

A separate study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that feeding mice apple cider vinegar resulted in 10% less body fat when compared to the control mice, which were not fed vinegar.

How can apple cider vinegar offer such profound health benefits? That's a question that remains open for debate. However, some researchers believe it's the vinegar's ability to regulate pH levels in the stomach. Some people assume that vinegar increases stomach acidity. After all, vinegar is highly acidic, so conventional wisdom should lead you to believe that it increases acidity in the digestive tract. In reality, though, it actually works to regulate pH levels. Consuming something highly acidic like apple cider vinegar triggers various biochemical reactions within the body, allowing it to self-regulate its pH levels. If your stomach is highly acidic, drinking apple cider vinegar will help to neutralize it, which may offer some health benefits.

If you're going to take apple cider vinegar as a supplement, however, there are a few things you should know. First, it's recommended that you choose organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother." Mother is the term used to describe the natural bacteria colonies that form within vinegar (don't worry, it's good bacteria). Also, you should consume apple cider vinegar by diluting it in water. Drinking pure vinegar may wear away the enamel of your teeth, promoting tooth decay and cavities.

Apple cider vinegar isn't some cure-all miracle. As these studies have shown, though, it may offer some key benefits like improved weight management and blood sugar moderation.

Jul 11th 2017

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