An Introduction to Omega-3s and The Health Benefits They Offer

An Introduction to Omega-3s and The Health Benefits They Offer

Have you heard of omega-3s? They're an invaluable type of nutrient that can lower your risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties. When consumed, they'll fight inflammation in your body to protect against high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other risk factors for chronic diseases. To learn more about omega-3s and why they are important for your health, keep reading.

What Are Omega 3s

Omega-3s are fatty acids that feature a specific chemical composition. By definition, their chemical composition consists of a double bond -- meaning carbon-carbon bond -- that's three atoms from the end of the methyl chain. Jargon aside, though, omega 3s are nutrients that have an anti-inflammatory effect when consumed.

You can find omega 3s in a wide variety of foods. Fish is one of the top sources of omega 3s. Most types of fish, especially fatty varieties like salmon, are loaded in omega 3s. Nuts are another source of omega 3s. From peanuts and walnuts to almonds and pistachios, omega 3s are regularly found in nuts. Other sources of omega 3s include soybeans, olive oil, flaxseed and canola oil.

The Health Benefits of Omega 3s

The unique chemical composition of omega 3s makes them beneficial for several reasons. If you're struggling to control your cholesterol levels, for instance, look no further than omega 3s. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume omega 3s in their diet are less likely to develop high cholesterol than those who rarely or never consume omega 3s.

One of the greatest health benefits of omega 3s is its ability to lower your risk of heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 600,000 men and women die from it each year. Omega 3s won't make you immune to heart disease, but they can lower your risk of this otherwise common and serious chronic condition.

Omega 3s have been shown to reduce triglycerides in the blood. Triglycerides are essentially fats that can build up within your arteries and vessels. When this occurs, it can lead to heart disease. Omega-3s will reduce triglycerides so that you are better protected from heart disease.

You can protect your joints by consuming more omega 3s in your body. Joints can wear down over time, resulting in joint pain. With omega 3s, your joints will experience less inflammation, which would otherwise contribute to joint degradation and related pain.

Apr 29th 2021

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