5 Tips to Protect Against the Cold Virus This Winter

5 Tips to Protect Against the Cold Virus This Winter

The cold virus is one of the world's most infectious illnesses. In a typical year, the average adult watch will catch it about two to three times. While the cold virus typically doesn't have any lasting effects, it can cause serious discomfort until it subsides. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to lower your risk of catching the cold virus this winter.

#1) Install a Humidifier

Installing a humidifier in your home may lower your risk of catching the cold virus. Cold viruses, as well as other infectious illnesses, are more common during the winter because of the dry air. Dry air allows these infection-causing viruses to spread more easily through the air. With a humidifier, you can increase the humidity inside of your home to protect against the cold virus.

#2) Get More Vitamin D

Don't underestimate the importance of vitamin D. Also known as the sunshine vitamin, it plays an important role in the immune system. People who have high levels of vitamin D are less likely to succumb to the cold virus than their counterparts with a vitamin D deficiency. You can increase your vitamin D levels by consuming more fish and other vitamin D-rich foods. Alternatively, you spend more time outdoors during the midday hours

#3) Cut Back on Sugar

Consuming too much sugar in your diet may place you at risk for the cold virus. Sugar is found in countless foods and beverages. Even condiments like ketchup and mustard contain sugar. The problem with sugar is that it suppresses the immune system. If you consume too much sugar in your diet, you may have a weakened immune system that places you at risk for the cold virus. You can still consume some sugar in your diet, but keep it to a minimum if you're worried about catching the cold virus.

#4) Avoid Touching Your Face

You should try to avoid touching your face. The cold virus must enter your body for an infection to occur. If you touch a surface that contains the cold virus and then proceed to touch your face, it may enter your body through your nose or mouth.

#5) Wash Your Hands

One of the most important things you can do to protect against the cold virus is to wash your hands. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that regular hand-washing can reduce the risk of infectious illnesses. Just remember to use warm water with plenty of soap.

Sep 29th 2021

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